The Bob Story Site
We are working on Radio as you like it .............

Above is the logo/letterhead of the first station I worked for, WSAP in Portsmouth, Virginia. I was a kid: mid-teens. I had a third class ticket. Due to World War II the government had
relaxed age requirements.

A couple of years later, as a G.I. in Europe, I helped build the "Blue Danube Network" U.S. Forces, Austria.
You'll soon be able to learn more about that when .........."Success and Failure in Modulation" is complete.

Photo By
Krystal Paige Bulman

Thursday, May 15, 1997
This site is in it's infancy. Soon you'll find tidbits and general knowledge about the growth of radio, advertising and market promotion in the latter part of this century. Much has changed, much stayed the same. A cliché becomes a vogue currency ...dollars are manufactured with a slight change of inflection. .....think so? Let's find out.

From transcriptions to audio CD's, I've been hired and fired, I've fired and hired, worked New York City, WTOP...and sat above a drive-in, spinning records.....I've built stations and changed formats and sold spots for a dollar-a-holler....taught the business, went bust in the business, and then came back to own a "book."
If I can be of any help, let me know.

..................[email protected]

Thanks for lookin' around and if your interested in radio, stop by again. This site will be updated often.
[email protected]

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