Autumn Rhythms
Reflections of a Broadcast Pioneer
The Bob Story Site

I was born in Norfolk, Virginia, June 16, 1926. Went to school there and watched my family deal with the depression. There was little money. There was a a picture of F.D.R on the wall. Years later I interviewed Mrs. Roosevelt. I wish my parents had lived to hear it.

What buzz word do you hate...........Genre .

How many hours a day to you write?..........three to five each day.

For whom have you most regretted buying a drink?............Let me think about it.

What is your current project?......Writing information pamphlets to help small business owners and soho entrepreneurs better deal with advertising and promoting their efforts

Where is your favorite links page. .............I'm working on it, give me a week, but the dials on the radio above will take you somewhere.

When you took over WNOR in Norfolk, WGH was top dog in the market. How did you know you could beat them.?....I go in to that on the Radio As You Like It link....Stay tuned.

What's the asking price for your calico cat Kaos?.........eight figures, but negotiable

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Monday, June 2, 1997 E-Mail Much more to come.